40-hours HSE-course for the construction industry
New rules from 2024!
From 2024, the requirements have been lowered in terms of which companies must have a safety representative and AMU. You must have safety representatives from 5 employees and AMU from 30 employees.
HSE course – training for employers, managers, safety representatives and AMU representatives.
Registration deadline: January 24th 2025.
The course is conducted in collaboration with Legevakt Vest.
- 03.02.2025–05.02.2025
- 3 days
- Digital classroom course
- Bygg, anlegg og eiendom
- 03.02.2025–05.02.2025
- 3 days
- Digital classroom course
- NOK 10 600,-
HSE training for managers and employers
According to the Arbeidsmiljøloven, the employer is responsible for ensuring that the working environment in the company is fully responsible. §3-5 in Arbeidsmiljøloven states that an employer who must undergo training in health, environmental and safety work. The duty is personal and cannot be delegated. The employer must also ensure that employees who are tasked with leading or controlling other employees have the necessary competence to monitor that the work is carried out in a health and safety-responsible manner. Legevakt Vest Bedriftshelsetjeneste recommends that managers attend our 40-hour HSE course.
Last course day: 4 hours (time stated in connection with course start)
Carried out digitally (teams)
+ online course through Firmahelse
+ assignment with risk assessment
Target audience
The course is intended for businesses and industries where training time of 40 hours is required.
- Employer
- Leaders
- Protection agent
- AMU representatives
- Project managers
- Everyone who works within HSE
Safety representative and AMU representatives
The employer must ensure that safety representatives and AMU representatives receive the necessary training to carry out their duties in a responsible manner. The minimum requirement is 40 hours of training according to regulations on organisation, management and participation § 3-19. In some cases, the employer and employees can agree on a shorter training period than 40 hours. Such an agreement must be based on the fact that the risk conditions in the business, where both nature and extent have been assessed, say that shorter training is justified. Such a soundness assessment should be in writing. There may also be a question of more extended training where the risk conditions dictate it. Here, as a company health service, we will be able to give advice and recommendations.
Documentation of completed training
After completion of training, course participants will receive documentation of completed training. This must be included in the company’s internal control system, and may be required to be presented to the Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet). There will be digital teaching and tasks related to the systematic HSE work between the 2nd and 3rd course day. The tasks are industry-specific and can be implemented in the actual HSE work in the business.
The course is conducted in collaboration with Legevakt Vest, which has one of the country’s best corporate health services with a range of specialist medical services. They assist all industries, but have a main emphasis in construction.
Gry Brusevold
Daglig leder/senior HMS-rådgiver, Legevakt Vest Bedriftshelsetjeneste
Gry arbeider i stor grad mot bygg og anlegg, og følger opp kartlegging, risikovurdering og tiltaksforslag. Hun sitter som BHT`s AMU-representant i flere virksomheter. Hun er ansvarlig for tiltak ekspertbistand sykefravær hos Legevakt Vest, samt har mye kompetanse innenfor psykososialt og organisatorisk arbeidsmiljø.
Gry har utdanning fra NTNU Trondheim, her kan eksempelvis nevnes:
- Biologiske, kjemiske og fysiske arbeidsmiljøfaktorer
- Ledelse og eierskap i prosjekter
- Sikkerhet og organisasjon
- Innovasjon og innovasjonsledelse
- Bærekraftig omstilling
- Digitalisering i samfunn og arbeidsliv
Av annen relevant utdanning kan nevnes.
- Miljørettet helsevern
- Arbeidsrett
- Sykepleie
Gry er sertifisert førstehjelpsinstruktør, konfliktmekler, sertifisert som faktaundersøker og en erfaren kursholder.
Hun har bidratt til utvikling av online systemer som angår HMS-kurs og internkontrollsystem SHMS.
Hun har bidratt til utvikling av online systemer for HMS-kurs og internkontrollsystem SHMS.
Roy Whittall
Yrkeshygiener og SHA/HMS-rådgiver, Legevakt Vest
Roy har spesiell erfaring med å ivareta rollen som koordinator for prosjektering og utførelse (KP og KU) etter byggherreforskriften. Han har vært utstasjonert på flere store bygge- og anleggsprosjekt som HMS-leder, herunder 10 år for Statkraft på ulike dam, kraftverk og energiprosjekt.
Som yrkeshygieniker har det vært mye fokus på støy, støv og ulike forurensningskilder knyttet til bygg- og anleggsvirksomhet som kan ha konsekvenser for arbeidsmiljø og helse for alle arbeidstakere.
Stine Rafoss
HMS-rådgiver/fysioterapeut, Legevakt Vest
Stine arbeider mye med bygg og anlegg, hvor hun følger opp kartlegging, risikovurdering og tiltaksforslag innenfor ergonomi. Hun er sentral i Legevakt Vest sitt ekspertbistand-team. I tillegg til ergonomi har hun mye kompetanse innenfor psykososialt arbeidsmiljø, og er sentral under oppfølging av AKAN-arbeid (rus og avhengighet) hos BHT-kunder.
Stine er psykomotorisk fysioterapeut, sertifisert førstehjelpsinstruktør og en erfaren kursholder. Stine har master i:
- Rehabilitering og habilitering
- Fysioterapi
Date and time
- Day 1: 03.02.2025 08:30–15:30
- Day 2: 04.02.2025 08:30–15:30
- Day 3: 05.02.2025
A specific program with a time will be sent by e-mail with a team link, as well as the internal control regulations and other useful information.
There will be breaks and a lunch break along the way.
«Legevakt Vest delivers a good 40-hour online HSE course that meets the requirements of the Norwegian Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
The course is well structured, with good explanations and not too long sections. The course instructor is very inspiring, knowledgeable and good at guiding and following up the participants. I was left with good and useful knowledge that we have taken with us into our further work with HSE. There is no doubt that the course instructor is passionate about his subject.
Lise Flugind, Selvaag AS»
Online kurs i samarbeid med Legevakt Vest
Total price
NOK 10,600 incl. VAT.
Price includes
- Participation in the course
- Digital access to course certificates
- Digital access to presentations
- The internal control regulation
- Access to Company Health for one month