Kurs og konferanser
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Subsea Lifting and Marine Operations

– a yearly conference and meeting place for marine technology industry

December 3rd – 4th at Clarion Hotel Air, Sola, Norway

The Norwegian Society of Lifting Technology (NSLT) continues its success with its annual meeting forum for people working with subsea lifting operations!

The aim of the conference is to improve the understanding of operational issues and to connect design specialists, people responsible for selection of concepts and the installation contractors.


  • Conference
  • Mini exhibition
  • Clarion Hotel Air, Sola, Norway
  • Conference
  • Mini exhibition
  • Clarion Hotel Air, Sola, Norway

«As a first time attendee, I thoroughly enjoyed the conference and the mixture of topics covered.  It was also very good to speak with colleagues from other companies as well as from various suppliers. «

Knowledge ensures a good economy!

The Norwegian Society of Lifting Technology (NSLT) is often informed that subsea lifting operations have exceeded the cost budget by several million NOKs due to lack of knowledge within relevant disciplines. Often the costs are exceeded because the operation duration is longer than planned. The conference will therefore focus on the various phases of a subsea installation operation and will be to present and exchange knowledge about criticals topics of marine operations involving subsea lifts.

Target audience

  • Engineers in companies engaged in design/operation of subsea structures and marine contractor companies
  • Personnel in subsea engineering companies and other companies performing design of subsea structures and other equipment and tools used in an operation
  • Competent persons for offshore cranes and lifting appliances
  • Suppliers of specialised tools and equipment for subsea lifting operations
  • Authorities and others formulating recommendations or evaluation criteria and undertakes control functions
  • Warranty surveyors
  • Operational responsible personnel in oil companies

Marius Popa

Principal Engineer / Naval Architect, DNV UK Limited

  • Naval Architect, FRINA and CENG
  • Principal Engineer with DNV Energy Systems in Aberdeen, UK
  • Specialized in offshore equipment and temporary mobilisation of equipment

Arne Nestegård

Hydrodynamics, MetOcean & SRA Energy Systems, DNV AS

Arne Nestegård holds an M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics from University of Oslo (1980) and a Ph.D. in Marine Hydrodynamics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA (1984). Employed by DNV since 1986. Research and development of numerical methods and computational tools for ship- and offshore hydrodynamics. Advisory and verification services within maritime and offshore structures, met-ocean criteria, wind-, tidal and floating solar renewables, coastal infrastructure and offshore fish farms. Development of DNV Offshore Standards and Recommended Practices, NORSOK and Eurocode standards. Project manager for several large joint industry research projects.


Sveinung Soma

CEO, Remota

Sveinung is an expert in Marine Technology from NTNU. He has 20 years experience from DeepOcean within engineering, project management and management positions. Sveinung is a strong believer in the development and application of technology to improve sustainability in the ocean space.


David Waage

Hampidjan Advant

David Waage is the Chairman of Hampidjan Advant and responsible for both market and product development at Hampidjan Advant. He has over 15 years’ experience in the fibre rope market with special interest in new technologies and in the possible usage of fibre ropes on winches and cranes.


Mats Olsvik

COO Engineering & Execution, Global Maritime Group

Mats har jobbet med forankring, slep og subsea konstruksjon siden 2007. De siste 10 årene har han vært i Global Maritime og har nå stillingen som COO Engineering & Execution. Mats har nå pause fra den rollen i 1 år for å være Prosjektleder på Hywind Scotland MCE da GM ble Main Contractor på det prosjektet.


Marc Eijssen

Global Technical & Business Development Manager | Marine & Industrial Fibers, Avient Protective Materials


Alan Bell

PhD (physics). Senior Sensors & Instrumentation Engineer, Bridon-Bekaert Ropes Group, UK

Alan is the Senior Sensors & Instrumentation Engineer at Bridon-Bekaert Ropes Group, England. With a PhD in experimental particle physics and a background in sensor application and data analysis, he now develops advanced technical solutions for steel and synthetic rope inspections as part of the BBRG advanced services team.


Martin Wehr

Dr.-Ing , Rotec GmbH, Germany

Martin studied mechanical engineering, specializing in conveyor technology, at the University of Stuttgart, Germany. He then specialized in the field of “ropes and rope testing”. In 2017, he and his colleagues founded ROTEC GmbH with the aim of developing state-of-the-art rope inspection devices and offering comprehensive rope-specialized services worldwide.


Gunnar Bremer

Structural engineer, Aker Solutions

Graduated from NTNU (NTH) 1992 and subsequently worked with structural analysis and design. Mainly involved in studies and projects, as well as reassessment and life-extension of existing facilities. Employed as expert analyses & design main structures at Aker Solutions Bergen office.


Tuesday 3rd December

08.30 Registration / Coffee

Chairmen:  Mr. Ole J. Nordahl, Equinor and Mrs. Guro Løken, Windstaller Alliance

09.15 Opening


09.30 The different phases of a subsea lift from an offshore construction vessel and experience from offshore construction vessel deck handling and rigging


10.00 Rosebank Project : Reflections from first season of harsh and deep water environment at West of Shetland of subsea lifting operations
Bruce Scott, TechnipFMC UK

10.30 Doggerbank building the world’s largest offshore windfarm – Installation of Monopiles
Tarjei Tellefsen, Project engineering manager, Seaway7

11.00 Coffee Break

11.30 Hywind Scotland Main Component Exchange
Mats Olsvik, Global Maritime AS

12.00 Even if it looks like a lift, it’s not a lift (an open discussion about the power of habits)
– Marine operations that look like a lifting operation but are not
– Equipment that looks like, but is not, lifting equipment
– Lifting appliances not used for lifting operations
Marius Popa, DNV UK


12.30 DNV-RP-C205 Environmental Conditions and Loads – Major revision
– Extended guidance on wind, wave, current and sea level conditions
– Extended guidance on wind loads, wave loads on slender members/large volume structures, air gap and slamming
– New sections on sea ice conditions and ice loads
– Hydrodynamic model testing of novel marine structure, recent developments in model testing techniques
Arne Nestegård, Chief Specialist, DNV

13.00 Lunch

14.00 Unmanned and autonomous vessels – remote operations
Sveinung Soma, Remota AS


14.30 Cost-effective replacement of steel wire hoisting ropes: the TechIce heat-resistant synthetic fibre rope
David Waage, Hampidjan Advant

15.00 A comparative study of high-modulus polyethylene (HMPE) and steel wire ropes utilizing (non-)linear material models
– More accurately assessing mechanical properties of HMPE ropes/slings under real-life conditions utilizing non-linear modeling,
– Mechanical properties, like stiffness and damping, of HMPE ropes/slings are 3T dependent,
– Non-linear modelling of HMPE ropes/slings underscore the potential to more cost-effective designs and improving economic viability of offshore projects.
Marc Eijssen, Avient Protective Materials and Stefan Schlömlich/ Morten Loell Vinther, Entail

15.30 Coffee Break

16.00 Advanced Applications of MRT & Computer-Vision in Rope Monitoring
– A fully integrated multi-channel MRT and 360° computer-vision based monitoring solution
– A single software application where data from both systems are combined
– Increases the speed and improves the safety of inspections while acquiring visual and magnetic data for the full rope inspection
Alan Bell and Martin Wehr, Bridon-Bekaert Ropes Group

16.30 Electric Subsea Crane, autotesting and preparing for crane operation
Jan Petter Svennevig og Thorsteinn Helgason, NOV

17.15 End of Day 1

19.00 Conference Dinner

Wedensday 4th December

Chairmen:  Mr. Martin Ahlbäck, TechnipFMC and Mrs. Rikke Tittel, Harbour Energy Norway


08.30  Halten Øst – Experienced gained from simulations by OSC and offshore installation of brazed rigid spools
Izel Issufo, TechnipFMC Norway

09.00 Johan Castberg FPSO Tow-Out and Hook-Up
– Overview of the Field and Johan Castberg FPSO
– FPSO tow out from Vestland to Barent Sea
– Mooring line Hook-up with AHV Crane and Winch
– Riser Hook-up with CSV Crane
Pradeep Subramani, Project Technical Manager,  Johan Castberg Project, OceanInstaller AS

09.30 Coffee Break

10.00 TWEL – M50 Electrification Module Installed on Troll C
– Introduction and structural
– Module keydata incl. installation aids (bumpers)
– Troll C keydata incl installation aids (guides), set-down location and pre-tilt
– Simplified set-down analysis – results and short-comings
– The way forward -> Heerema and SINTEF
Gunnar Bremer, Aker Solutions

– Project introduction and project preparations
– Offshore Decision Support based on the weather forecast
Sebastiaan van Oosten and Job Bokhorst, Heerema Marine Contractors

– Time domain set-down analysis (SIMA)
– Offshore Decision Support – onboard time domain simulations
– A method to address uncertainties in spectral weather forecasts
Robert Indergård, SINTEF Ocean

11.30 Lunch

12.30 Don and Miller Decommisioning
Matthew Coull and Matthew Royce, DeepOcean

13.00 Ormen Lange – Novel spools installation methods at deep waters
Turid Danbolt, Senior engineer, Subsea 7

13.30   Coffebreak


14.00 TBA

14.30 Johan Sverdrup Phase 3 Project
– Next phase for Norway’s largest oil producer
– Subsea field development by artificial intelligence
– New technology, diving & marine operations
– Building for the future
Dag Øxnevad, Equinor

15.00 Closing / Adjourn



  • Engineers in companies engaged in design/operation of subsea structures and marine contractor companies
  • Personnel in subsea engineering companies and other companies performing design of subsea structures and other equipment and tools used in an operation
  • Competent persons for offshore cranes and lifting appliances
  • Suppliers of specialised tools and equipment for subsea lifting operations
  • Authorities and others formulating recommendations or evaluation criteria and undertakes control functions
  • Warranty surveyors
  • Operational responsible personnel in oil companies

«A great event that I would recommend to colleagues»

«Round tables are a great idea, encourages mingling»

«Very nice conference! Would like to come back next year.»

«As a first time attendee, I thoroughly enjoyed the conference and the mixture of topics covered.  It was also very good to speak with colleagues from other companies as well as from various suppliers. «


To be booked by the individual participant.

We have reserved a number of rooms at Clarion Hotel Air. Single rooms (bed and breakfast) are NOK 1630 per night.  The hotel rooms can be booked by follow link: https://app.mews.com/distributor/a37da13b-775a-448e-bbab-b0a700e6882f?mewsAvailabilityBlockId=3166ad8d-a1be-430d-bb45-b0b9011c9741&mewsStart=2024-12-02&mewsEnd=2024-12-05 

Conference app
During and after the conference, we will be communicating with all participants through a dedicated conference app. This is a web-app that you only add to the home screen (no download via app store/play store).
The conference app keeps you up-to-date on the programme, lecturers, downloading lectures, practical messages, sharing photos, commenting, chatting with other participants and information.
You will be sent a link to the app no later than the day before the conference starts.


  • High table, 2 chairs and roll-up display – 2×3 meter (not shell scheme panels)
  • Dedicated page in the app under «Exhibitors»
  • Price: NOK 7,000 ex. VAT (on top of conference fee)Maximum of 15 exhibitors – BOOK HERE!


Total fees
NOK 9 180 + VAT for delegates who are members of Norwegian Society of Liting Technology
NOK 9 980 + VAT for delegates who are non-members


  • Two days access to the conference
  • Conference package, lunches, coffee and break snacks

Conference dinner
NOK 1000 + VAT for delegates who want to atttend the dinner including 3x beverage

Mini exhibition
NOK 7500 + VAT 

To be booked by the individual participant.

We have reserved a number of rooms at Clarion Hotel Air. Single rooms (bed and breakfast) are NOK 1630 per night.  The hotel rooms can be booked by follow link: https://app.mews.com/distributor/a37da13b-775a-448e-bbab-b0a700e6882f?mewsAvailabilityBlockId=3166ad8d-a1be-430d-bb45-b0b9011c9741&mewsStart=2024-12-02&mewsEnd=2024-12-05

Please note that the participation fee is paid by card upon registration for the registration to be valid. If you have any questions – do not hesitate to contact us at kundeservice@qualitynorway.no of  tel +47 67 52 60 10.