VDMXL – Value Driven Maintenance & Asset Management
- We repeat the success!
- the Great Asset Management Experience
- the business GAME for Maintenance & Asset Management professionals
Don’t miss the opportunity to participate in The GAME and learn how to manage the performance of the Maintenance & Asset Management organization
Arrangementet gjennomføres med engelskspråklig foreleser.
Dette arrangementet er avsluttet.
About The GAME:
Value Driven Maintenance & Asset Management, or simply VDMXL, explains how maintenance, extending the service life, and modernization can add maximum economic value to an existing plant or fleet, or to existing infrastructure. The work is based on a quantitative control model, a control panel with 12 KPIs, sector-specific benchmarks, and over 50 best practices. Striking cases of DSM, Pepsico, GlaxoSmithKline, Volvo Cars, and many other companies show just how valuable VDMXL can be in practice.
In The GAME, different technical departments become opposing players with the objective of creating maximum economic value for a fictitious pharmaceutical company. By playing The GAME, participants learn how to manage the performance of the Maintenance & Asset Management organization by making use of Key Performance Indicators, benchmark data and best practices, such as RCM, TPM and RBI.
- The GAME is an interactive business game for Maintenance & Asset Management professionals
Learning objectives:
By playing the GAME, participants learn how to improve the performance of the Maintenance & Asset Management organization through:
- Understanding and exploiting the link between maintenance and added value
- Creation of own VDMXL business case in maintenance & asset management
- Proactively anticipate changing circumstances and external influences
- Exploiting and optimising interactions between stakeholders in maintenance
- Creating awareness and commitment to change
- Applying VDMXL basics
- The use of competition elements creates a learning environment that motivates the team to apply the theory in the right way.
- The winning team receives a trophy at the end of the day.
The content:
The GAME standard consists of a 2-day training in which 20 to 30 people will participate.
The training day will be supervised by two experienced GAME facilitators from Mainnovation.
Five theory blocks are provided with the following substantive themes:
- General explanation about strategy determination based on VDMXL value calculation
- Setting up a winning maintenance & asset management organization by using the VDMXL competency model and benchmarking.
- Applying specific best practices around IT, processes, predictive maintenance, reliability engineering, planning & work preparation
- Performance management with explanation of the use of KPIs, benchmarking, control panels and performance consultation structures
- Best practices for a successful life cycle management approach to your assets
- Tuning of the theory blocks is possible on request
Norwegian Society of Maintenance in collaboration with Mainnovation
Få bedre pris som medlem
Alle kan delta, både ikke-medlemmer og medlemmer, men du og din bedrift får bedre pris som medlem av Norsk Forening for Vedlikehold. Les mer her.
Norsk Forening for Vedlikehold
Vi tilbyr kurs og konferanser som gir deg faglig kompetanse på flere nivåer, både rettet mot strategisk, taktisk og operativt nivå. World Class Maintenance – Vedlikeholdsledelse og World Class Maintenance – Vedlikeholdstekniker er våre flaggskip innen vedlikehold og gir en anerkjent sertifisering. Kursene er basert på europeisk norm NS-EN 15628 Vedlikehold – Kvalifikasjonskrav for vedlikeholdspersonell.
Les mer her.
Mark Haarman
Managing partner and owner, Mainnovation BV
Mark Haarman is a pioneer in maintenance and asset management and a respected international speaker. He is one of the founders of Mainnovation, a leading consulting firm specializing in Maintenance and Asset Management. Mark is also a author of the books VDM, New Faith in Maintenance and VDMXL, Competing With Aging Assets.
Dag 1 – 18.10.22
08.30 Registrering
09.00 Kursstart
17.00 Slutt dag 1
Dag 2 – 19.10.22
08.00 Kursstart
15.00 Avslutning
Lunsj serveres hver dag kl. 11.30 – 12.30
PDF 1.98 MB
- The GAME is an interactive business game for Maintenance & Asset Management professionals
Vi har reservert noen rom på Quality Hotel Olavsgaard, enkeltrom m/frokost kr 1 195,-.
Telefon 63 84 77 00 og oppgi kode GR01825. Rommene frigis en uke før kursstart.