The International Offshore Crane and Lifting Conference
April 8th and 9th in Stavanger, Norway
The Norwegian Society of Lifting Technology (NSLT) in cooperation with the Offshore Mechanical Handling Equipment Committee (OMHEC) are pleased to welcome you to The 28h International Offshore Crane and Lifting Conference in Stavanger from April 8th to April 9th 2025.
The conference has for the last 27 years established itself as probably one of the most important meeting places for industry and experts on offshore cranes and safe lifting operations. In 2024, a total of 180 delegates from 19 nations and 5 continents were represented. We are aiming to make the conference as international as possible.
- The 28th Conference
- Exhibition
- 2 DAYS
- The 28th Conference
- Exhibition
- 2 DAYS
Attending The International Offshore Crane And Lifting Conference is a great opportunity to stay current with the latest industry trends, technology and safety regulations. It provides a platform for networking with industry professionals and experts, as well as the chance to learn from case studies and best practices from leading companies. Additionally, attending the conference can also help to improve your skills and knowledge, which can benefit your company and career in the long run.
Target audience
- Regulators
- Offshore wind
- Major duty holders
- Oil and gas contractors
- Service companies
- Experts and Industry leaders from the Offshore Crane Lifting Operations Community
- Material handling Industry
- North Sea Offshore Petroleum Regulators
The conference alternates between the “Offshore Energy Capitals” of Norway and Scotland – Stavanger and Aberdeen – these are the most important places of business for the oil and gas industry and home for regulators, offshore wind, major duty holders, oil and gas contractors, service companies etc.
During the conference, the participants will have the opportunity to meet and share their experiences with offshore petroleum regulators, experts and industry leaders from the offshore crane and lifting operations community.
The Norwegian Society of Lifting Technology (NSLT) in cooperation with the Offshore Mechanical Handling Equipment Committee (OMHEC) are pleased to welcome you to The 28th International Offshore Crane & Lifting Conference in Stavanger.
The conference has the goal to cover a wide range of new topics in offshore cranes and lifting technology, subsea and heavy lifting, crane standardisation and regulatory and industry safety initiatives. Participants will have ample opportunity to enter into discussions with the speakers and sufficient time to interact with companies presenting their goods and services in the exhibition area.
- Offshore wind turbine installations
- Marine Solar
- New technology
- Standards and guidelines
- Sharing best practice
- Learning form accidents and incidents
- Inspection and maintenance
How to register for the conference
How to register for the conference: User guide for registration
Please contact customer service by e-mail kundeservice@qualitynorway.no or by phone +47 67 52 60 10 if you need any help.
Why should you attend?
In a global perspective the conference is the most important meeting place for the offshore lifting and material handling industry. This is an excellent opportunity to exhibit and promote your products, services and technology and important network building.
Why is this conference so exceedingly different?
This is the only conference with focus exclusively on the offshore crane & lifting business in the North Sea and beyond. The conference is not a series of sales orientated pitches, but a dynamic gathering of likeminded people involved in the offshore lifting industry. Our unique blend of presentations, case studies and exhibitions provide you with a unique opportunity to walk away from the summit with all the information you need to get the most out of your daily lifting operational tasks. This conference gives the lifting community the platform it truly deserves, as it provides many hours of dedicated networking time for you to talk openly with your peers, suppliers and customers, and the opportunity to conduct business face-to-face.
Read more about the conference on liftingoffshore.com
Read more about The Norwegian Society of Lifting Technology.
Monday 7th April
18.00 Get together
Tuesday 8h April
08.00 Registration / Coffee / Exhibition
09.00 Welcoming Remarks
Jan Ketil Moberg, Head of Logistics and Emergency Preparedness, Norwegian Ocean Industry Authority (Havtil), NO
09.10 Opening Address
Anne Myhrvold / Finn Carlsen, Norwegian Ocean Industry Authority (Havtil), NO
News from the Authorities
09.25 News from Authorities – Incidents and accidents and focus from the regulators
Jan Ketil Moberg, Head of Logistics and Emergency Preparedness Norwegian Ocean Industry Authority (Havtil), NO, Colin Martin, Specialist Mechanical Engineer, HSE, UK and Arnold de Groot, Inspector Operations, State Supervision of Mines, NL
09.50 OMHEC update
Bjarte Rødne, Head of Supervision, Norwegian Ocean Industry Authority (Havtil), NO
Training and human factors
10.00 Improving safety: The next step
– What do the safest companies do differently?
– How can you effectively manage human factors?
– How can you utilise the untapped expertise in your workforce?
Job Groeneweg, University of Leiden, NL
10.30 Coffee Break/Exhibition
11.00 Use of crane simulator for training of personnel involved in lifting operations and to prepare for complex lifting operations
Ole R. Lindbæk, Vår Energi AS, NO
New technology
11.30 Development of Fully Electric Offshore Cranes: Challenges and Innovations
– Advancement in Maritime Engineering
– Key Design Challenges
– Complex Crane Configurations
-Liebherr’s Development
Michael Karge, Liebherr, DE
12.00 Lunch and Exhibition
13.00 Innovating Motion Compensation for Offshore Excellence
Danny Markus, Bargemaster, NL
13.30 Status of Aker BP projects: New offshore cranes remotely operated from onshore
Update status connected to
– New cranes
– Auto-hook arrangement
– Control room arrangement
Ricardo Nuno Correia and Svein Harald Hetland, Aker BP, NO
14.00 Coffee Break/Exhibition
14.30 The Jacket Lift System: A safe lifting concept beyond established frameworks
– Risk management as a design tool
– Protecting a complex crane with a blanket approach
– Technology qualification of a prototype lifting syste
José Beirão, Lead Engineer & Vincent van Dinter, Project Manager Capital Projects, Allseas, Netherlands
Inspection and maintenance
15.00 More than an overload test only
Benefits of an acceptance test/qualification test/heat runs/FMECA to make the equipment robust for the first operation offshore
Rieno Graveland, Heerema, NL
15.30 Coffee Break/Exhibition
Learning from accidents and incidents
15.45 Crane Safety Evolution: Learning from Past Incidents
Amit Bansal, Director – Technical Support Centre, Valaris, UK
Sharing best practice
16.15 Assuring cranes and lifting equipment on contractor rigs and vessels
– Challenges facing regulators, operators and contractors when dealing with a transient fleet of rigs and vessels
– Discussions with the audience
– Can we do this better? Challenges?
Ben Finlay, Woodside Energy Ltd, AU
16.45 End of day 1
18.00 Transport to Utstein Kloster Hotel for conference dinner
22.30 Transport to the hotel
Wednesday 9th April
Sharing best practice
08.30 Use of soft couplings (knots) to reduce the risk to personnel when connecting lifting equipment to lifeboat when lifting from sea
Vidar Matre, Okea, NO
09.00 How to extend the area of use of a standard “General purpose Offshore crane
– Subsea lifting operations from a jack-up rig.
– ROV performing as banksman and slinger.
– Lifting operations when jack-up rig is afloat.
Arild Eriksen, KCA Deutag and Tor Raknestangen, NOV, NO
Lifting ropes and equipment
09.30 Advanced Applications of MRT & Computer-Vision in Rope Monitoring
– Fully integrated multi-channel MRT and 360° computer-vision based monitoring solution
– A single software application where data from both systems are combined
– Increases the speed and improves the safety of inspections while acquiring visual and magnetic data for the full rope inspection
Alan Bell, Bridon-Bekaert Ropes Group, UK and Martin Wehr, Rotec GmbH, DE
10.00 Coffee Break/Exhibition
Ageing Facilities
10.30 The role of Marine Warranty Surveying in Decommissioning Heavy Lifting Operations
– Requirements and responsibilities of Marine Warranty Surveyors in decommissioning.
Dorothy Standen/John Butler, Global Maritime, UK
Lifting operations
11.00 New communication solution for safe lifting – replace the use of UHF radio with the use of digital communication
Jon Ingvald Båtnes, Equinor, NO
11.30 Lifting in diving Operations
Diving operations in the North Sea require lifting operations to support some of the tasks performed by divers. Presentation of specialized lifting activities such as:
– Lifting operations supported by the Diving Support Vessel crane in active or passive mode
– Lifting operations using lift bags
– Come-alongs for fine adjustment of lifts at the seabed
– Pull-in activities to align pipes and flexibles
Jan Gangnes, Subsea 7, NO
12.00 Lunch and Exhibition
Standards and Guidelines
13.00 Design verification and certification as safety barriers – Use of DNV-SE-0480
Marcin Piotr Sikora, Principal Engineer, DNV, NO
Information technology
13.30 Improved safety and reliability through NOV digital services
How to achieve improved productivity, reduced total cost and reduced climate footprint through connectivity.
– Automated Crane Monitoring
– Remote fault tracing and support
– Remote testing
– CBM Pilot: “NOV Recommends”
Mats Hustad Haukebø, Project Manager – Development of Digital Services and Business Models and Kim Marius Olsen, Senior Software Engineer, NOV, NO
14.00 Coffee Break/Exhibition
14.30 Charting the digital seas: Understanding cyber resilience requirements
– the role of cybersecurity within LR-CO-002 Code for Offshore Personnel Transfer Systems; and
– why it’s crucial for the future of offshore operations
Matthew Partyka, Lead Cyber Resilience Specialist, Lloyd’s Register Canada Limited, CA
Renewable Sector
15.00 New OPTS (Offshore passenger transfer system)
Jan Silgjerd, Palfinger, NO
15.30 The journey from idea to execution
– Execution of offshore bottom-fixed projects
– Generator exchange on a floating turbine
Eelko May, Managing Director, Liftwerx, The Netherlands
16.00 Closing/adjourn by/end of the conference
Jan Ketil Moberg, Head of Logistics and Emergency Preparedness, Norwegian Ocean Industry Authority (Havtil), NO
- Regulators
- Offshore wind
- Major duty holders
- Oil and gas contractors
- Service companies
- Experts and Industry leaders from the Offshore Crane Lifting Operations Community
- Material handling Industry
- North Sea Offshore Petroleum Regulators
The Venue
The 28th International Offshore Crane & Lifting Conference will be held at the Clarion Hotel Air Stavanger. The hotel is located in the immediate vicinity of the airport, Sola/Stavanger.
- Phone: +47 51 71 85 00
- E-mail cl.air@choice.no
- Utsolaarmen 16
- 4055 Sola , Norway
More information on the hotels website
To be booked by the individual participant.
We have reserved a number of rooms at Clarion Hotel Air. Single rooms (bed and breakfast) are NOK 1590 per night. The hotel rooms can be booked by follow link: Link til booking av rom
The rooms will be released on March 10, 2025
Conference app
During and after the conference, we will be communicating with all participants through a dedicated conference app. This is a web-app that you only add to the home screen (no download via app store/play store).
The conference app keeps you up-to-date on the programme, lecturers, downloading lectures, practical messages, sharing photos, commenting, chatting with other participants and information.
You will be sent a link to the app no later than the day before the conference starts.
Book your Exhibitor booth now, including:
• Booth 3×2 meters (approx. 6m2), table and 2 chairs – shell scheme panels
• Admittance for 2 participants, all sessions including conference fees, lunches and Get Together
• Logo on events website with direct link to your website and your own «page» under «Exhibitors» in the conference web-app.
The invoice is sent out 3 weeks before the start, and the payment deadline is 14 days. Rights The purchasing of this event is personal and is associated with the registered party.
Please note that the participation fee is paid by card upon registration for the registration to be valid. If you have any questions – do not hesitate to contact us at kundeservice@qualitynorway.no of tel +47 67 52 60 10.
2 days NOK 11.600,- excl. VAT
- Two days access to the conference
- Exhibition all days
- Conference package, lunches, coffee and break snacks
Single day NOK 6.400,– excl. VAT
- One day access to the conference
- Exhibition all days
- Conference package, lunch, coffee and break snacks one day
Get together at April 7th, NOK 850,- excl. VAT
- Tapas at S Clarion Air
- 2x beverage
Conference dinner April 8th, NOK 1.500,- excl. VAT
Exhibitor – Price NOK 32.000.– excl VAT
- Booth 2×3 meters (approx. 6m2), table and 2 chairs
- Admittance for two participants, all sessions including conference fees, Get together June 5th, lunches, coffee and break snacks
- Logo on events website with direct link to your website
- Profiling with your logo in vignette which will be used at the beginning of all lectures and during breaks
- 5 hour presentation time, time for the conference participants to walk through the exhibition and get information about your product by visiting your booth
All prices shown are excl. VAT
To be booked by the individual participant.
We have reserved a number of rooms at Clarion Hotel Air. Single rooms (bed and breakfast) are NOK 1590 per night. The hotel rooms can be booked by follow link: Link til booking av rom
The rooms will be released on March 10, 2025
From NOK 11600 + VAT
From NOK 11600 + VAT