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NFV medlemsmøte: Automated Integrated Methodology for Dynamic Inspection-Maintenance Planning

During its lifetime, environmental & operational attacks on an equipment / system results in its degradation. Hence, it needs to be protected, inspected & maintained (repaired / replaced) to prevent its potential failure.

  • 15.12.2023
  • kl. 08.30-09.30
  • Digitalt
  • Industri vedlikehold
  • 15.12.2023
  • kl. 08.30-09.30
  • Digitalt

Dette arrangementet er avsluttet.

Currently, there are two commonly used approaches for making inspection-maintenance plans:

  • Traditional Approach (including RBI & RCM) – While these manual techniques can benefit from human knowledge and decision-making abilities, they have also been criticised for being (a) time consuming; (b) prone to human errors; and (c) too rigid or static in nature
  • Condition Based Approach – While this approach allows continuous update of inspection-maintenance plans based upon the existing condition of the equipment, it faces challenges associated with (a) quality and quantity of data; (b) interpretation of data to information (failure profile); (c) reasoning information to knowledge (equipment status); and (d) converting knowledge to decision (maintenance plan)

Hence, there is a need for a methodology that seamlessly integrates the two – Traditional and Condition-Based – approaches, for preparing improved inspection-maintenance plans. Additionally, the methodology should automatically take into account variations in the structural, operational, environmental and condition attributes of individual equipment.

In this presentation, limitations of the traditional and condition based techniques shall be discussed. Furthermore, a methodology for overcoming these limitations shall be demonstrated.

Target audience

Alle som er interessert i industrielt vedlikehold.


Maneesh Singh

Professor, Høgskulen på Vestlandet

Prof. Maneesh Singh works in the Institutt for Maskin- og Marinfag (Department of Mechanical and Marine Engineering) at Høgskulen på Vestlandet (Western Norway University of Applied Sciences). He works in the field of inspection and maintenance planning (risk analysis, RBI, RCM, etc.). He is also Head (Cyber-physical Systems) and works on topics related to condition-monitoring, predictive maintenance, etc.. He also offers private consultancy.

Date and time

  • 15.12.2023 08:3009:30


Automated Integrated Methodology for Dynamic Inspection-Maintenance Planning

The meeting will be conducted in English.


Kl. 08.15 We’ll get online

Kl. 08.30 Welcome

Nils Martin Rugsveen, board member of NFV, opens and welcomes

Kl. 08.35 Automated Integrated Methodology for Dynamic Inspection-Maintenance Planning

By Maneesh Singh, professor, Institutt for Maskin- og Marinfag, Høgskulen på Vestlandet

Questions and comments.

Kl. 09.30 End

Digitalt møte

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